April 04, 2007


Case: Company vs. Employees

Statement: Most of the IT companies implement proxy filtering softwares to increase the so-called productive time of the employees and ultimately the Company itself. But does this have the desired effect???

The Judge: Order Order... ( Hearing Starts!)

Argument For (Company's Lawyer)
- This helps the internet bandwidth to be "only" utilized for "productive" activity.
- This helps employees to concentrate "only" on work related activities.
- Most of the time user spends on Social Networking sites and Media streaming sites.
- The Deliveries could be delayed due to "un" productive work.
- How about the adult content that one streams in the office?

Argument Against ( Employees' Lawyer)
The performance doesn't improve much as the request now pass through the proxy software and this slows the surfing speed as well as surfing experience further.
- Does an employee always concentrate on the work the whole day anyway? All work and no play switches a person's mind to Hibernation.
- Blocking social networking site cuts software professional from a society and makes computer his/her only friend.
- Blocking online video sites like YouTube doesn't necessarily increase your productivity. Most of the online free training content by experts are shared on such sites and ultimately media streaming sites are becoming mode of information exchange. Hence, the company is depriving it's employees of some fruitfull content that could have increased their productivity and enabled them to complete a task in less R&D time required otherwise. Every person is not an Einstine to keep on inventing!!
- Ok, the deliveries could be delayed!! Do you keep a person who doesn't work & produce results in time anyway? If you do keep then you have lots of money to spare, buy some extra bandwidth with it!!
- Hmm.. Adult Content! Good Question. Why not apply filter on Adult Content rather than all the sites! Track the individuals down, as the number of such cases would be bare minimum.

The Judge:
Order Order.... Audience Poll!! ( To be Continued..)

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