February 14, 2007

Milestone One

22nd of Sept, 2006 :
This day was really great for me.

I received +ve remarks from my boss and my super-boss. Not only this I was appraised by a certificate proof for my work. Well ofcourse not monetary, but such motivations play an important role in my life.

After all hardship I went through in my internship, I am finally happy to have this acknowledgement. This is my first appraisal in my professional life and I am really excited about it. It's given me strength to carry on.
I have just made one statement which fits appropriate for my situation

"Impossible has always transformed to I'm Possible. It's just the transition, for some cases, that took longer"
Thanks to all my well-wishers, but mostly Kaushik (my boss) who showed faith in me and gave me the responsibility of the work.

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